Portable Vaporizers
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In this day and age everybody is constantly on the go, no one has time to stop home to plug in their Desktop Vaporizers wait for it to heat up and even wait for the vapor. That is why Portable Vaporizers are perfect for the modern age Marijuana Medicater. Whether you’re a dreaded hippie wearing out the soles of your birkenstocks or a lawyer trying to get a felon off on a third strike, a Portable Vaporizer will come in handy for that spur of the moment mid-day puff that we all need.
Pen Style Vaporizers
Pen Vaporizers are all the rage right now, so we have a warehouse full of them. But first you'll want to identify which is right for you as there are several kinds of pen vaporizers depending on what material you'd like to vape. Below are several types in detail.
1. Concentrates (Wax Dab) Vaporizers
If you are looking for a Portable Wax or Dab Vaporizer then look no further, You'll want to check out the Dr Dabber line including the Ghost, Aura, and Light. If budget is in mind, check out the yocan pens as those are a great value and have a neat concentrate container built in.
2. Dry Herb Vaporizers
The Pax series is our top selling Dry Herb Vaporizer. Followed by great additions to the industry like the Davinci IQ, and new Airvape Argo. You can't go wrong with these top 3 recommendations.
3. Eliquid (Ejuice) Portable Vapes
Ejuice is it's own beast and you'll want to experiment with a sub-ohm as these are the most popular vape mods to date. we recommend any SMOK vape mods in the "box" style.