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Pax Labs

PAX 3 / PAX 2 - Half Pack Oven Lid (OEM - PAX Labs)
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Ask a Question-
Does the half pack lid use more flower as original pav lid the same or less
Good question, well the half pack lid fills the chamber more than the original oven lid so essentially about half as much material. :)
Glad I bought it!
Great OEM product. I really like using this lid because I feel like half packs in the Pax 2 are a better burn.

Excellent PAX 3 accessory
Great store. Fast shipping. Very pleased with my purchase. Thank you kindly.

When I don’t want to get zooted, I like using this oven lid. It’s perfect! I ordered one off Amazon originally and the plastic melted — definitely get the real Pax lid.

Improves functionality
I find the half pack lid helps to extract as much as possible from each oven full.

I lived on Borneo for 4 years. I learned you can never have too many backups. I have been using half-back oven lid for years and headshops rarely maintain parts. So I ordered a backup.

Good for the conservative type
If you like to conserve your stash and like getting your moneys worth than this is the accessory for you. The half packed kid makes sure you use the entirety of your pack and eliminates the need to stir the bowl.

Definitely worth the money. A half pack is a full session for me.

Glad I tried it
I am an RA patient, GLAD to use medical marijuana instead of morphine and this half pack allows multiple dosing times, while using the flower best.

No communication
I emailed customer service about discounts I supposedly had coming but never heard back??

Slick Vapes
Hi Pete, thank you for your review! We're reaching out to follow up on your request. :)