Atmos Vaporizers
Atmos, the leading brand in innovative, discreet, Pen Style Pocket Vapes, is essential for all of our full flavored vaporizing experience. Whether you prefer to vape wax, oils, or just plain old classic flower Atmos has the Vape that is perfect for you. All powered by the legendary Atmos Lithium-Ion Battery.
What's New for Wax?
Atmos just released the latest budget portable dab pen to shut down the competition. Coming in at UNDER $20 is the super sleek and portable Atmos Nano NBW Waxy kit. It comes with two chambers unlike most in it's price range and hits great!
Pen Style
The Atmos classic Pen Style Vape is perfect for the on the go stoner. Put it in your pocket wherever you go. With the lightweight Atmos Vicod 5G Vaporizer you are free to vape dry herbs discreetly. Atmos is perfection in portability.
Convection Oven and Conduction
Atmos specializes in producing both Conduction Heating Vapes as well as Convection Oven Vapes. The Atmos Jump Dry Herb Vaporizer is a fine example of Conduction/convection Heating Vaporizer.
Oils, Concentrates, and Flower
Atmos has a vast array of different types of Vaporizers for different types of Vape-users.